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Maximize Adwords Budget

Updated: Mar 3

With the majority of small businesses having limited marketing budgets, they tend to assume they can’t venture into the world of Paid Search Advertising. Pay Per Click (PPC) advertising is one of the GUARANTEED ways to get to the TOP of Google by using their Adwords service.  If you think that you can’t afford this type of marketing, think again. Do you have a couple bucks a day to spare? Yes? Then you can afford it and see your ad at the TOP of Google when people search for your product or service. Below are some steps that could help you make a detailed plan to reap substantial benefits out of an Adwords campaign:

Calculating Cost Per Lead

Irrespective of your point of conversion, cost per lead and cost per sale, you need to make an estimate of your maximum expenditure to launch this campaign. The factors to take into consideration include: exact cost of the point of sale, business operating expenses, profit per sale, etc… You also need to know the average conversion rate of your visitors. You don’t want to spend $100 in marketing only to generate $50 in sales so plan wisely.

Computer screen showing cost analytics and budget.

Analyzing Your Keywords

Adwords is all about understanding relevant keywords that would help you reach out to a broad range of prospective customers. You can research and shortlist keywords for bidding in several ways. With a limited budget, you should target specific keywords related to your business. If you had a larger budget, you could branch out and include vaguely relevant keywords to reel in as many customers as possible.

The next step is to look for parallel categories of keywords which are relevant to your business and the work that you do. You could make use of the Google Keyword Tool and other similar tools for your research purposes.

***You can save additional money with the addition of ‘negative keywords.’ Negative keywords actually rule out search terms that may be close to what you’re offering but aren’t exactly what you’re offering. For example, if you were a wedding photographer and wanted to advertise your services you could add “how to start a wedding photography business” as a negative keyword because, although you are in the field of wedding photography, you don’t help people build their businesses. Failing to add this as a negative keyword would most likely mean your advertisement would show up when someone searched about the business of wedding photography and this could lead to a wasted click and wasted money. Dismissing words which are used in combination with your particular keyword and not really relevant to your service/product are useful for using as negative keywords. We’ll talk about match types next.

Making Use of Match Types

When choosing your keywords, you can specify how you want them matched. When you don’t completely understand match types, you are unable to use it to your maximum advantage and end up wasting money as you unintentionally target unrelated search engine queries. This could also result in you paying a higher amount than you normally need to with regards to some keywords. So, every match type (Broad, Phrase, Exact) makes your targeting more focused and profitable.

For instance, with broad match, your ad appears for searches which have comparable phrases. A keyword of landscaping that was set for a broad match would show up in searches for most anything landscape related. If you have a limited budget, your best bet is to set the match type to “phrase” or “exact.” This way you are assured your ad will only show up when people search for exactly what you are offering.

Targeting Audience by Area, Time and Device

With Google Adwords, you can categorize and reach out to your target customers in various ways. These include device, day and geographical targeting.

By using geographical targeting, you can target particular locations, areas, countries, cities and so on. You can target specific cities, zip codes, blocks, etc… Your ability to customize your ad’s reach is amazing so if you only serve Midtown Manhattan, you can have your ad show only when people are using Google in Midtown. If you service an entire state, you can set it for that state. Serve a 20 mile radius around your address…you can do that.  Even if you serve multiple locations scattered around the country/globe, you can set it so only those locations are showing your ads.  If you install pools in Hartford, CT you wouldn’t want your ad showing in Michigan, so Google lets you specifically target this.

Attention can be given to specific devices with device targeting. Certain devices have more value with respect to your business. Maybe you get most of your clients through mobile devices so you’d want to focus your ad spending on mobile.

Time targeting offers you the ability to specify when you want your ad shown. This way you can spend your marketing money when your potential for sales are at their greatest. Don’t make any sales at 1AM…then you can shut off your ad during this hour. On the other hand, if you sell “impulse buys” then you’d WANT to show your ad during the late night hours.

In addition to this, with the recent changes in Google Adwords focusing on Enhanced Campaigns, making use of the various targeting opportunities will prove to be even simpler.

Should you require assistance in setting up your Adwords campaign do not hesitate to email us at or call 434-770-0230.

Our Adwords experts will maximize your Adwords impact and boost your sales immediately! We can also help enhance your website to make sure your home page has the greatest impact on potential customers.  You don’t want to spend a small fortune on Adwords when your website is lacking. A great website combined with an efficient and effective Adwords campaign can start boosting your sales immediately.


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